Our Mission & Values
MLlabs' mission is to promote and excel talented scholars, and researchers working in the field of computer science and related disciplines. The ML-LABS network is recently founded to empower and connect young and senior researchers, engineers, innovators, and academics in low-middle income countries and build geographically diverse synergies and collaborations in the fields of computer science.
Our Vision:
Research has the impact of changing people’s lives. We want every student and teacher at Uok to have the best opportunities for research while getting stipends and funding for their research needs.
To strengthen industry-academia collaboration at the national and international levels
We must work to raise awareness, international exposure, computing resources, scholarship accessibility, and cloud services.
How can we help you?
Academic Funding
Students and teachers can apply for funding and sponsorship for projects and research having business potential.
Cloud Services
We are officially representing Nvidia and other cloud services. Students and teachers can make requests for cloud and computing services.
Travel Grants
Students and teachers can apply for scholarships and travel grants to participate in conferences and competitions. Furthermore, they can apply for a fee, a laptop, and other study aids.
Career Counselling
ML-LABS believes that the right decision at the right time can change lives and society. So early-career scientists can request guidelines regarding documentation and admissions for higher education.
Funding & Stipends For Students:
ML-Labs provide you with the opportunity to work on complex and impactful solutions while staying in school and getting paid for your efforts and results with the most professional mentors.
Your project could even get funding for further implementation to continue with your future prospects.
Getting paid and expecting funding can motivate you to work on your chosen scientific progression. Grants can be used for hardware and software purchasing, travelling, human resources, and anything needed for impactful progress.
This opportunity is for the explorer who wants to extract solutions for new and old problems.
While research gives you a window to counter the complex problems of the world, a lack of financial resources shouldn’t stand between you and your goals.
Getting paid and expecting funding can motivate you to work on your chosen scientific progression. Grants can be used for hardware and software purchasing, travelling, human resources, and anything needed for impactful progress.
This opportunity is for the explorer who wants to extract solutions for new and old problems.
While research gives you a window to counter the complex problems of the world, a lack of financial resources shouldn’t stand between you and your goals.
Funding & Grants For Teachers:
University teachers are firmly motivated to apply for research funding to support their and their students’ scientific growth.
ML-Labs can provide you with time, support, and connections in your extensive research.
Faculty students can also benefit by getting stipends while working with you on scholarly projects.
We can provide resources which are related to your project in the form of equipment, travel, and industry experts’ mentorship.
Ml-labs grants to the faculty members are expected to be used for primary research expenses.
For Workshops:
Ml-labs is a comprehensive source for funding for workshops that are interactive and allow individual students to adapt to the latest tech environment.
Workshops and seminars are great opportunities to teach or learn more about your respective paradigm of research and knowledge.
- To train students and teachers with the latest IT advancements
- To give a platform to interact with academicians and researchers
- Give International Exposure to the department.
For Cloud Computing:
Students and teachers can use Nvidia cloud computing to help with their research and projects, which could include medical advanced imaging, AI deep learning, and high performance computing.
With Cloud Computing, one can take advantage of the limitless power of graphic cards and processors in the form of virtual machines, which are available globally anytime and anywhere.
Students and teachers will have the opportunity to use benefits including free Cloud Compute Service, training courses, certifications and more.